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Teemad: Psühholoogia

Psychiatric Diagnosis

„Psychiatric Diagnosis” on pehmekaaneline raamat. Raamatu seisukord: kasutatud, kaantel kulumisjäljed, esikaane ülanurgas 6 mm murdejoon.

„Psychiatric Diagnosis” – tutvustus

The hallmark of this book is its reliance upon follow-up studies in defining diagnostic criteria, and the twelve diagnostic categories described are those sufficiently studied to be useful. The authors define psychiatric illness as a cluster of symptoms or signs or both with a more or less predictable course, and they place emphasis on its natural history. Each of the categories is dealt with under the following headings: definition, historical background, epidemiology, clinical picture, natural history, complications, family studies, differential diagnosis, and clinical management. Medical students, sociologists and psychiatric social workers will find this book invaluable.

Raamatu „Psychiatric Diagnosis” sisukord

Raamatu „Psychiatric Diagnosis” sisukord on veel sisestamata või see puudub sootuks.

Raamatuga „Psychiatric Diagnosis” seonduvad märksõnad: psühhiaatria

Raamatu „Psychiatric Diagnosis” tehnilised andmed

„Psychiatric Diagnosis” on pehmekaaneline raamat, 234 lk; 14,0 × 20,9 cm; ↔ 1,8 cm; 332 g.

Raamat „Psychiatric Diagnosis” on hetkel laost otsas.

Raamatu „Psychiatric Diagnosis” ilmumisandmed: Oxford University Press, 1974

ISBN/EAN: 9780192644206

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