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The Manic Mums Guide to Magnificent Parenting

„The Manic Mums Guide to Magnificent Parenting” on pehmekaaneline raamat. Raamatu seisukord: nagu uus.

The Manic Mums Guide to Magnificent Parenting kaanepilt – front cover

Hind: 17.90

Autor: Alison Mitchell.

„The Manic Mums Guide to Magnificent Parenting” – tutvustus

If you’d love a calm house, you’re not alone, and this book is full of jargon-free, common-sense techniques, tools and ideas that will turn mums from manic to magnificent in just seven weeks. Allison shows how to be the mother you want your children to have, how to increase your patience and lower agitation, and more.

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„The Manic Mums Guide to Magnificent Parenting” on pehmekaaneline raamat, 223 lk; 14,0 × 21,6 cm; ↔ 1,9 cm; 394 g.

The Manic Mums Guide to Magnificent Parenting „The Manic Mums Guide to Magnificent Parenting” on Laos nr 2, saame postitada või kontorisse tuua tellimisjärgsel TÖÖPÄEVAL.

Raamatu „The Manic Mums Guide to Magnificent Parenting” ilmumisandmed: Hay House UK, 2008

ISBN/EAN: 9781848500105 (978-1-84850-010-5, 1848500106)

Ostan „The Manic Mums Guide to Magnificent Parenting” hinnaga 17.90

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