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How to Clean Just About Everything
Ingenious Secrets for a Fresh and Sparkling Home

„How to Clean Just About Everything” on pehmekaaneline raamat. Raamatu seisukord: nagu uus.

How to Clean Just About Everything Ingenious Secrets for a Fresh and Sparkling Home kaanepilt – front cover

Hind: 29.90

Autorid: Gill Chilton, Tess Stimson.

„How to Clean Just About Everything” – tutvustus

This indispensable guide holds the key to getting your entire house looking spick and span, and every object that you own looking almost as good as new. And don’t worry about how time-consuming that all sounds, using the efficient and reliable routines of cleaning experts from all arenas, you will be amazed at what you can achieve in next to no time. This practical handbook is packed with practical hints, shortcuts and the latest information on cleaning, making it the most complete cleaning guide ever. With more than 2000 tried and tested cleaning tips, How to Clean Just About Everything will save you time and effort no matter what you are cleaning. It is a quick reference guide to cleaning emergencies including when the baby is sick on the sofa, a guest drops a glass of wine and 30 other situations requiring swift action. Plus a complete guide to laundry and a mini-encyclopaedia of cleaning tools, telling you everything you need to know about buying and using more than 45 types of cleaning implements and products.

Raamatu „How to Clean Just About Everything” sisukord

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Raamatu „How to Clean Just About Everything” tehnilised andmed

„How to Clean Just About Everything” on pehmekaaneline raamat, 447 lk; 17,9 × 25,4 cm; ↔ 2,6 cm; 1,222 kg.

How to Clean Just About Everything „How to Clean Just About Everything” on Laos nr 2, saame postitada või kontorisse tuua tellimisjärgsel TÖÖPÄEVAL.

Raamatu „How to Clean Just About Everything” ilmumisandmed: Readers Digest, 2009

ISBN/EAN: 9780276445385 (978-0-276-44538-5, 0276445384)

Ostan „How to Clean Just About Everything” hinnaga 29.90

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