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Good Housekeeping the Complete Household Handbook
The Best Ways to Clean, Maintain & Organize Your Home

„Good Housekeeping the Complete Household Handbook” on pehmekaaneline raamat. Raamatu seisukord: vähekasutatud.

Good Housekeeping the Complete Household Handbook The Best Ways to Clean, Maintain & Organize Your Home kaanepilt – front cover

Hind: 24.90

Autor: Good Housekeeping.

„Good Housekeeping the Complete Household Handbook” – tutvustus

For more than 100 years, the professionals at The Good Housekeeping Research Institute have helped Good Housekeeping readers keep their homes in top shape. That’s why the original edition of The Complete Household Handbook offered the best home advice available, on everything from cleaning a floor to fixing a leaky gutter. Now, this stunningly comprehensive volume includes an expanded section on keeping your yard looking great and a new chapter on car care, along with revised information, sidebars, illustrations, and boxed features throughout. Such diverse topics as fixing a driveway, cell phone safety, battery disposal, cleaning collectibles, and busting kitchen clutter are all added or updated. Every page contains ingenious, practical, and simple-to-implement advice. No one’s home should be without it!

Raamatu „Good Housekeeping the Complete Household Handbook” sisukord

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Raamatu „Good Housekeeping the Complete Household Handbook” tehnilised andmed

„Good Housekeeping the Complete Household Handbook” on pehmekaaneline raamat, 431 lk; 20,7 × 25,4 cm; ↔ 3,0 cm; 1,538 kg.

Good Housekeeping the Complete Household Handbook „Good Housekeeping the Complete Household Handbook” on Laos nr 2, saame postitada või kontorisse tuua tellimisjärgsel TÖÖPÄEVAL.

Raamatu „Good Housekeeping the Complete Household Handbook” ilmumisandmed: Sterling Publishing Co Inc, 2007

ISBN/EAN: 9781588165961 (978-1-58816-596-1)

Ostan „Good Housekeeping the Complete Household Handbook” hinnaga 24.90

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